Tantasqua Music Association
Meeting Minutes
November 10, 2023
Attendance: Steve Sousa, Kelly Vosnakis, Eileen DeMings
Regrets: Sarah Pataky
Meeting via Zoom
I. Set regular Board Meeting: Monthly Board meetings will take place on the first Thursday of the month. Next meeting: December 7, 2023 and as needed.
II. Secretary’s Report: Roles defined. Eileen will take on Membership Coordinator as described in by-laws and will check the post office box . Steve will continue to do newsletters and print media. Current membership stands at 27 households. Monetarily, membership has exceeded projection. Discussed that members will be asked to have roles when needed ( meat raffle, sponsorship committee). We all agree that sliding membership scale fee is a good practice. Also names of members do not need to be printed in concert programs.
III. Treasurer’s Report: Debit card form has previously been filled out. Sarah can stop in Cornerstone bank to receive a card. Voted to write a check for $330 to Sturbridge Host for deposit on room for Meat Raffle. Tax filing in progress. Annual filing done. Kelly notified Steve that a state filing form needs to be signed. Venmo discussed- Kelly will talk to Sarah about whether we need both PayPal and Venmo. A Show Choir check has been written for $1000. Drama club has not reached out, we will wait for a request. Discussed process of funds requested: Show Choir and Drama did not request funds, but budget was approved. For next year, we need to make it clear that a teacher needs to do a formal request.
IV. PLP Update: 18 students currently in program. Invoices starting to come in for the first blocks of lessons. Approval of the second block will start if funds are available.
V. Meat Raffle: Sarah has secured Sturbridge Host Hotel as the venue. Anyone is welcome to view the room and meet with sales on Nov. 18, 2023. Date is set for the Meat Raffle as March 2, 2024 2-7 pm. Sarah is lead and we can solicit member volunteers.
VI. Inventory: Steve, along with Mr. Raymond and Mr. French will do inventory of TMA storage at the high school on November 13, 2023.
VII. Sponsorship Update: Steve and Sarah to coordinate. They will solicit member volunteers. Cornerstone Bank has sponsored $500. Eileen to check the post office box for check.
VIII. Website, Facebook, social media: Ed Boyce will meet with Steve and Sarah. Website needs updating. Steve to ask Dr. Dufresne about recording concerts and about pictures for Facebook.
IX. TMA Concert role: Steve would like to speak at all concerts to promote TMA. Discussed concessions and raffles. Junior High Concerts coming up in December.
Next meeting Thursday December 7, 2023. Location and time TBD